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Personal Medical Alarms medical alarms NZ

Fall Alarm

Falls are the leading cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries for older people. Falls threaten seniors’ safety and independence.

A personal medical alarm with in built fall detection may be of immense assistance when urgent help is needed.


Fall detectors are devices designed to detect when an individual, particularly the elderly, experiences a fall and trigger an alert for assistance. There are several reasons why fall detectors can be beneficial for the elderly. More than a third (37%) of elderly in NZ fell in the previous 12 months. Among those who fell one in five (20%) had to go to the hospital because of their fall. Twenty percent of people had fallen more than once.

Here are some key points:

  1. Preventing injuries and complications: Falls can lead to severe injuries, fractures, loss of independence, and even death among older adults. Fall detectors can help mitigate these risks by providing a timely alert to caregivers or emergency services, ensuring prompt assistance is provided to the individual in need.
  2. Maintaining independence: Fall detectors enable older adults to maintain their independence by providing a sense of security. With the knowledge that help can be quickly summoned in the event of a fall, seniors can continue their daily activities with confidence and reduced fear of accidents.
  3. Timely medical attention: In situations where an elderly person falls and is unable to stand or move, the time spent after a fall can be critical. Fall detectors can expedite medical attention by alerting caregivers or emergency services, potentially reducing the time between the fall and receiving necessary medical assistance.
  4. Peace of mind for caregivers: Fall detectors not only benefit the elderly but also provide peace of mind to their caregivers. Caregivers can have increased confidence knowing that they will be promptly notified in case of a fall, enabling them to provide timely assistance and support.
  5. Enhanced well-being: Fall detectors have the potential to enhance the overall well-being of older adults at risk of falling. By providing a safety net and reducing the fear of falling, these devices can contribute to improved psychological well-being and quality of life for seniors.

In summary, fall detectors can provide significant benefits for the elderly, including injury prevention, maintaining independence, facilitating timely medical attention, offering peace of mind for caregivers, and enhancing overall well-being.

In basic terms, the device needs three things to happen simultaneously in order for fall detection to activate automatically. An altitude drop, an angle change, like falling forwards, to the side or backwards, then an impact. Depending on your devices sensitivity setting, the device should activate sensing those three parameters. However. Fall detection technology is not faultless and false alarms or no fall detected may occur for a variety of reasons.
Every fall is different with its own unique circumstances or reasons as to why a fall has occurred. As such, its actually very hard for any device to detect with 100% certainty. For example, fall detection may not be activated automatically if someone is walking down stairs and has a slow fall by grabbing a handrail as they slip down stairs. Maybe they brace themselves holding a table as they fall off a chair, or perhaps they are wearing the device inside heavy layers of clothes which prevents the device detecting an impact or soft fall. If the user are conscious and able to, they should be able to press the SOS button for the emergency manual activation.
For those that are wheelchair bound, the fall detection feature may not be reliable as the seated height is not likely to be high enough for consistent detection. The altitude and impact sensors are unlikely to detect enough range of motion to activate, so we would advise not to solely rely on the fall detection feature.

The device does come with an audible alert that helps prevent false alarms. The device will tell the user that fall detection has been activated and gives the user the opportunity to stop the alarms automatic fall activation. Fall detection can be made more or less sensitive to suit the user and has 9 different sensitivity ranges from ‘off’ to ‘very sensitive’. The default sensitivity of number 5 seems to fit best for most people so you may not need to make any changes when you receive your device.

Once activated the device will send a text message to all contacts and can then start calling the same contacts. one by one until someone answers and can determine next course of action.

Fall Down Alarm For Elderly